Venue: Cranfield University
All presentations are supplied via Google drive.
Download Here Presentations
Upon selecting the Download Here, you will be diverted to Google in order to run or download the presentation. The links provided below, show the abstract for the selected session.
- Plenary 1: Opening Presentation Professor Lynette Ryals OBE: MK:U - A new model university in MK
- Plenary 2: Richard Puttock OFS: Student data centred regulation
- Plenary 3: David Kernohan, Wonkhe: Policy Engineering the Future (presentation not available)
- Plenary 4: Smita Jamdar - Surveying the landscape & steadying the ship
Breakout Presentations
Breakout 1
- Proofing Curricular Data - Tools, Tips and Tactics
- It is all a bit sensitive: The highs and (statistically significant) lows of student equality data
- Student on-boarding - The best laid plans
- HESA presents the importance of Data Governance
- Reflections on four years Student Engagement and the HEAR at the University of Winchester
- Making Your Mark
- HESA Consultation and Update
Breakout 2
- So, you want to Data Govern
- Protecting Sensitive Data
- Ahead of the Set: Action Learning for Enhanced Results
- Student Record and AP Student Record 2019/20
- Why perfect data tells you an imperfect story
- Student Complaints
Breakout 3
- Migration to E:Vision: The Neverending Story
- Development of a data strategy: turning chaos into order, can it be done?
- Data Futures – The story so far
- An insight into Academic Misconduct
- Two Become One
- Panel discussion: Independent Providers and the changing HE landscape (presentation not available)
Breakout 4 - Optional sponsor sessions - presentations not available
Breakout 5
- Trendspotting: helping you make sense of large information sources
- The future of exams: how to ensure we are prepared
- Student Voice - a framework for engagement
- Meet the UWE Unicorns: how we set out to create our student data community
- Higher Education in turbulent political times
- Data futures - building the change