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Student on-boarding - The best laid plans

Presenter: Katherine Fawcett, Registrar

Institution: Northumbria University


Format: Presentation : a presentation for most of the session with time for questions at the end.


The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley (Robert Burns)

We all carefully plan our enrolment and induction processes and activities – it is complex! We factor in admissions (some late!), students who progress (and those who do not!), subject specific requirements whilst also ticking the ‘shopping list’ of must- tells and must-dos. In a complex approach comparable to organising a Student Records Officer conference we mobilise thousands of students and hundreds of staff to be in the right place at the right time. We deliver information in what we think is a timely and clear manner requiring students to do pre on-line tasks whilst hoping they read what we present. We need multiple programme induction schedules, handbooks and then there is the teaching timetable!

How closely have you looked into student on-boarding?

Northumbria has been on an on-boarding mission over the last few years and has seen great successes. We remain hyper alert to prevent and react to issues, we still have wrinkles and have encountered a fair few surprises along the way. Come and hear about our journey and share your own experiences!


Colleagues leading on student induction and enrolment activity.