Venue: University of Edinburgh
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- Professor Sir Peter Mathieson - Principal and Vice-Chancellor, The University of Edinburgh.
- Heidi Fraser-Krauss - Chief executive officer, Jisc.
- Sunday Blake - Associate Editor, Wonkhe.
- Julie Kelly - Academic Registrar, University of Hertfordshire & Lesley O’Keeffe - Registrar, Brunel University London representing the Academic Registrar's Council.
Breakout Sessions
The links provided below show the abstracts for the sessions.
Breakout 1
- Decommissioning ODBC-Link
- Graduation get-together
- HESA as part of Jisc - the opportunities and benefits for the sector
- Icarus and the Sun: Burnout in HE Professional Services
- The Power of a BI Network
Breakout 2
- Devolving results processing - a SITS development
- Employing Students – Benefits to the Service and the student staff
- Journey to a Million - how can we prepare?
- Student Fees & Funding - Breaking down the walls of heartache
- Upcoming changes to the Student record and the review of TNE data
Breakout 3
- How to increase satisfaction at work with 3’Es’ Strategy
- Insights from the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)
- Sex and gender data
- Student - Data Futures 22056 collection preparations
- Study Paths Implementation and Lessons Learned