
Dear colleagues
We are thrilled to announce that SROC 2021 - #SROCfest21 - will be hosted by the University of Huddersfield as a fully virtual and completely FREE conference. Our festival runs from 22 to 25 March with four packed days of plenaries and practitioner sessions that you can join over the four days as suits your schedule. If you miss something, don’t worry! You can always catch up with a recording from Friday 26th!
We have many things lined up for you, including plenaries by HEPI’s Rachel Hewitt, Wonkhe’s David Kernohan, Nottingham Trent’s Mike Ratcliffe, St Andrews’ Daniel Farrell and more! And if that’s not enough we have over 20 practitioner sessions from data and systems to exams, PGR, timetabling, apprenticeships, no-detriment policies, but also personal wellbeing and mental health.
Bookings opening soon, so tell your colleagues and save the date!
The SROC committee, February 2021