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SROC Constitution


The name of the organisation is the Student Records Officers’ Conference (SROC).

History and Context

SROC is a not-for profit organisation, and was formed in 1986, under the aegis of the then Conference of University Administrators (now AUA), and held its first meeting at the University of Exeter; it became an independent organisation in 1991, reporting to the then Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (now UUK).

Since 2003, SROC has operated as one of the practitioner groups of the Academic Registrars’ Council, while retaining independent organisation and structures. The SROC Chair sits as part of the Executive Committee of the ARC.


The purpose of SROC is to provide a forum for professionals working in the field of student data and records for:

  • Promotion and sharing of best practice
  • Networking with colleagues across the sector in similar roles
  • Discussion of and contributing to national initiatives, policy and procedures within the field of student data
  • Developing and maintaining links with international colleagues and partners

SROC represents Student Records Officers and the community of student data owners in UK Higher Education. It seeks to represent the views and best interests of this population through the consultative and advisory groups in which it is involved. It does not have a fixed constituency or membership determined by subscription. All practitioners in the fields of interest and influence of SROC are welcome to attend a SROC event.

SROC is linked to the Academic Registrars’ Council (ARC). It works closely with HESA to disseminate information to, and to focus feedback from, the HE community working with the HESA student-related data streams.

It also has links with the Southern Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers (SACRAO) in America and with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).

Management of SROC

SROC is managed by its Committee. The main aim of the Committee is to organise and run an annual conference of Student Records’ Officers from Higher Education Providers around the United Kingdom.

It shall also have discretion to organise seminars and workshops regarding particular relevant topics on an ad hoc basis throughout the period between the annual conferences.

All Committee members may from time to time be asked to represent SROC at meetings of policy groups, HE stakeholders, HESA and any other groups which request input.

The Committee

The Committee’s membership will be composed of representatives of UK based Higher Education Providers. There should be representation from a wide range of HEPs, including in terms of size, provision, age and ideally from all countries within the United Kingdom.

There will normally be between 12 and 15 members of the Committee, depending on the number of co-options.

Committee Officers

The Committee will elect or appoint Committee Officers to the following roles from within its membership:

Elected Officers:

  • Chair
  • Deputy Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Appointed Officers:

  • Corporate Liaison Officer
  • Breakout Session Co-ordinator
  • Media Co-ordinator
  • Day Session Co-ordinator

Committee members may not hold more than one Committee Officer role at any one time, with the exception of the Deputy Chair role which may be held alongside any of the other roles.

Whenever feasible within the Committee membership, Committee Officers (with the exception of the Chair and Deputy Chair) will have a second member acting as a deputy to provide support and resilience. The Deputy Chair can hold any other role except for Chair.

Additional Roles

From time to time, there may be areas where the Committee is increasing its activity and profile, which create the need for new roles. It is recognised that these roles may grow, increase in number and become Committee Officer roles as above. These may be undertaken on an individual/shared basis, or alongside a Committee Officer role, if necessary.

In addition, there will be co-opted members who will take responsibility for various aspects of the Committee’s work or for particular or one-off projects and events as necessary. These will include:

  • Local Organiser for the forthcoming conference (tenure 1 year)
  • Local Organiser for the most recent conference (tenure 1 year)

Conference Sub-committee

The Committee will appoint a Conference Sub-committee to conduct site visits of potential conference venues. The role of the Sub-committee will be:

  • To meet and negotiate with potential local organisers and conference/events staff
  • To review and challenge proposed costs
  • To assess viability of the proposed location for hosting a conference
  • To report findings back to the Committee, including any recommendations.

The Conference Sub-committee will be composed of the following Committee Officers:

  • Chair
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Corporate Liaison Officer

Where these Officers are unavailable, their deputies should take their place for the site visit. From time-to-time, other Committee members may be asked to temporarily join the Conference Sub-Committee as required.

Tenure and Eligibility

Elected Officers

The Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary and Treasurer will be elected for a term of 3 years from the pool of suitably experienced members of the Committee. These terms are renewable.

Each member of the SROC Committee is entitled to vote, with the exception of local organisers (whether for previous or future conferences) unless they have also been appointed to the Committee with an indefinite term. Candidates standing for a position may neither vote for themselves, nor another candidate.

For a vote to be quorate, there must be a minimum of two-thirds of the Committee membership voting.

In the case of a tied vote, the existing Chair will hold the casting vote, unless the existing Chair is standing for election to the relevant position themselves or the position of Chair is vacant. In such circumstances as the existing Chair is unable to make the casting vote, the Committee will agree alternative arrangements, normally reverting the casting vote to the Deputy Chair (where there is no conflict of interest) or through a re-election.

The role of the Chair must be elected by a majority of the Committee. Where an election for the Chair does not result in any one candidate holding a majority, a re-election will normally be held to determine the Chair from the two candidates who held the two largest shares of the votes.

Where, for whatever reason, an election does not result in a suitable candidate being identified, the Committee will agree a suitable alternative mechanism and, if necessary, interim arrangements, giving due regard to not advantaging any candidates over others through the chosen mechanism.

The Deputy Chair will act up into the role of Chair if the post remains contested or if it suddenly becomes vacant.

All Committee Roles

It is normally expected that members holding one of the formal Committee Officer roles will have served on the Committee for at least one year, or the individual should be suitably experienced. Members relinquishing formal Committee Officer roles will give three months’ notice to allow sufficient time for seeking a replacement and handover activities. Members relinquishing a role may remain on the Committee in a supporting capacity.

Other members will remain on the Committee on a voluntary basis as long as they are willing to serve. As members leave, the vacancies will normally be filled from the volunteers from the pool of SROC delegates in the last 3 years, having regard to maintaining the correct breadth of representation.

Members will be expected to attend meetings of the Committee. Any member who misses more than two meetings in succession without reasonable cause will be assumed to have resigned from the Committee and their membership will cease.


The Committee will meet a minimum of four times per year. Meetings will usually take place at a forthcoming conference venue.

All meetings will be fully minuted and the confirmed minutes circulated and published on the Committee’s shared space.

Responsibilities of the Committee Officers:


  • Chairs Committee meetings
  • Provides leadership and guidance to the Committee
  • Represents SROC on external committees and ARC Executive
  • Responsible along with the Treasurer and Secretary for the maintenance and appropriate use of SROC funds and accounts
  • Member of the Conference Sub-committee
  • Provides guidance and clarification to conference local organisers
  • Ensures the co-ordination of plenary speakers in conjunction with other Committee members and local organisers
  • Organises the Committee to undertake specific tasks
  • Agrees, with the Committee, the location and timing of events

Deputy Chair

  • Stands in for the Chair, where necessary, assuming any or all of the responsibilities of the Chair as required


  • Ensures maintenance and appropriate use of SROC funds and accounts
  • Responsible for the collection of all fees into the main bank account
  • Answers payment queries
  • Places the insurance policies to ensure cover in event of cancellation of ‘enforced numbers reduction’ as required
  • Prepares accounts for independent verification
  • Agrees the budget and predicts costs/surplus as accurately as possible
  • Controls access to the SROC accounts and ensures all security precautions are maintained
  • Pays bills for the conference as agreed, keeping the local organiser aware of payments made
  • Pays Committee expense claims and other items of expenditure as they arise
  • Monitors and pays bursary expense claims
  • Prepares periodic reports to the Committee
  • Completes supplier forms
  • Member of the Conference Sub-committee
  • Represents SROC on external committees


  • Responsible for setting up Committee meetings including preparation of agenda, papers and accurate production of minutes
  • Manages the archiving of all Committee materials
  • Responsible along with Treasurer and Chair for the maintenance and appropriate use of the SROC funds and accounts.
  • Member of the Conference Sub-committee
  • Supports Committee business through administration of additional SROC work such as bursaries
  • Ensures that the constitution is adhered to
  • Represents SROC on external committees

Corporate Liaison Officer

  • Responsible for identifying and agreeing Exhibitors for the conference
  • Agrees Exhibitor terms with the Committee
  • In conjunction with the Treasurer, issues invoices to Exhibitors and liaises regarding non-payment
  • Obtains sponsorship from sponsors and liaises with the local organiser to ensure appropriate logos supplied, etc.
  • Member of the Conference Sub-committee
  • Determines the exhibition layout and agrees this with local organiser
  • Provides support at conference to exhibitors, working with local organiser/conference office
  • Provides web information to website organiser in sufficient time for opening of bookings

Media Co-ordinator

  • Manages SROC website, social media accounts and Slack space
  • Promotes SROC activities and events on the web and social media, boosting impact by promoting the use of relevant hashtags
  • Promotes partner and sponsor activities as required in co-operation with the Corporate Liaison Officer
  • Ensures SROC’s web and social media presence remains professional and relevant at all times
  • Identifies new opportunities to promote SROC’s presence online, monitors hashtag activity and responds to queries on social media
  • Liaises with website developers
  • Maintains website links and content
  • Manages the Guidebook App
  • Supports conference activity through:
    • Taking information from local organiser and Breakout Session Co-ordinator and publishes on the website
    • Providing on-line booking service which includes auto confirmation of booking email, data quality monitoring and invoice production
    • Supports local organiser and Treasurer with any queries relating to use of the booking system
    • Organises post-conference delegate survey and provides feedback to Committee members
    • Manages the annual archiving and rollover of conference materials

Breakout Session Co-ordinator

  • Organises, with the Committee, the breakout sessions for the forthcoming conference
  • Communicates and liaises with the session presenters
  • Obtains the session briefs in advance of the conference bookings opening
  • Liaises with confirmed plenary speakers and arranges logistics
  • Provides information to the Media Co-ordinator in sufficient time for the opening of bookings
  • Supports the setup of breakout and plenary presentations during the conference with the Local organiser
  • Obtains copies of the session presentation to provide to website post-conference
  • Arranges gift cards and Committee responsibilities for opening/closing breakouts

Day Session Co-ordinator

  • Works with the Committee to deliver ad hoc day sessions and networking events for SROC delegates
  • Liaises with event venues and suppliers, including speakers/presenters
  • Arranges all logistics (e.g. catering, registration, communications), produces the schedule and manages the booking system
  • In conjunction with the Treasurer, agrees the budget and manages all payments

Role of the Local organiser

  • Works alongside the Committee to deliver the conference, with particular regard to making it fit within the local environment
  • Takes the lead on delegate accommodation booking and allocation
  • Allocates delegates to breakout sessions
  • Co-ordinates set up of all local facilities
  • Arranges all conference meals and events
  • Organises transport arrangements including parking
  • Co-ordinates pre-conference delegate information
  • Provides delegate packs, including SROC mementos
  • Arranges signage and guides/ambassadors
  • Works within the budget agreed by the Committee, liaising with the Treasurer to provide regular updates on costs and ensuring agreement on any costs/variations with Treasurer
  • Provides information to the Web Co-ordinator in sufficient time for the opening of bookings
  • Answers delegate queries with the support of Chair/Treasurer


SROC is entirely not-for-profit.

All monies generated by conference fees will be used solely for the purposes of the organisation as defined in this constitution.


A current account and an appropriate deposit account will be maintained. Signatories to the account will be:

  • The Chair
  • The Deputy Chair
  • The Treasurer
  • The Secretary

The Treasurer will be responsible to the Committee for

  • Keeping up to date and accurate accounts of all financial transactions and making these available to the Committee at their meetings as appropriate.
  • Preparing an annual final budget statement after the close of each conference and a budget statement after each day session.

The accounts should be reviewed by a professional accountant annually in order to ensure that transactions are being properly recorded and maintained and that the balance of monies is accurately represented in the annual budget statement.

Appendix 1: Electoral Mechanism for Elected Officers

This mechanism applies to the election of all Elected Officers, as defined in the SROC Constitution.

An election will be called in the following circumstances:

  1. Where the term of an Elected Officer is due to end in the next six months.
  2. Where an Elected Officer gives notice (normally, a minimum of three months) of their desire to relinquish the role.
  3. Where an Elected Officer position suddenly becomes vacant for any other reason.

Where known in advance, the relevant election will normally take place at the next available Committee meeting.

Two months before the relevant committee meeting, expressions of interest will be solicited by the Secretary (or by the Chair or their nominee if the Secretary intends to stand for election to the role).

All SROC Committee members who have been members of the Committee for at least one year are eligible to put themselves forward for election. Each candidate should submit a short statement to support their interest in taking on the role.

One month before the Committee meeting, the expressions of interest will be circulated by the Secretary (or other nominated individual) to the SROC Committee for consideration, along with a copy of this election procedure.

If more than one expression of interest was received, this selection process will be followed:

  1. At the Committee meeting itself, the Secretary or (or other nominated individual) will distribute ballots to those present and invite the Committee to vote. The ballots will be anonymous, and allow the members to select a first and second preference candidate. In the event of a SROC committee member being unable to attend the Committee meeting, a postal ballot may be used, to be opened and included with the main ballot in a way that prevents identification.
  2. The Secretary or nominee will count the anonymous ballots. In the event of a tie of first preferences, selection will be based on the combination of first and second preferences. Another non-candidate Committee member will cross-check the count. The Secretary or nominee will then announce the successful candidate.

If only one expression of interest was received, the relevant candidate will be asked to recuse themselves from the meeting whilst the Committee agree whether to appoint the candidate to the position.

Where it is not possible to hold an election at a Committee meeting, an electronic voting process will take place. Expressions of interest will be sought in the above way. The Secretary (or other nominated individual) will circulate the expressions of interest and, via a suitable mechanism, will receive ballots electronically from the Committee members entitled to vote. Another non-candidate Committee member will cross-check the count. The ballot will normally be open for a period of at least three weeks.

Last updated: July 2021
Last reviewed: July 2023