Plenary 1 - Professor Jane Norman
Presenter: Professor Jane Norman, Vice-Chancellor
Institution: University of Nottingham
Format: Plenary
Our first Plenary will be presented by Professor Jane Norman. Jane has been President and Vice Chancellor at the University of Nottingham since Jan 2025. Her previous executive roles include Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Nottingham 2022 – 2024, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bristol 2019– 2022, and Vice Principal (PVC) People and Culture, University of Edinburgh 2013-19.
Jane’s Non-Executive roles include Board Membership of UKRI (UK Research and Innovation, the UK’s largest public funding body for science, research and innovation) 2024 onwards; University Hospitals Bristol and Weston, 2021 – 2024; and the Equality Challenge Unit 2014 - 2018.
Jane graduated in medicine from the University of Edinburgh in 1986. From 2008 to 2019 she was Director of the Tommy’s Centre for Maternal & Fetal Health and Honorary Consultant Obstetrician in Edinburgh. Her research investigated factors responsible for the initiation of normal parturition and developed strategies for the prevention of preterm birth and stillbirth. She was awarded the quinquennial Eardley Holland Medal by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 2020.
Jane chaired grant award committees internationally, and nationally for the Welcome Trust and the National Institute for Health Research. She has chaired working groups for the MHRA and for National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. She was a member of the clinical medicine panel for REF2021 and the Scotland A National Multicentre Research Ethics committee. She has held leadership positions in health-related UK societies, including council membership of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
She is Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.