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Understanding the experiences of home and overseas students - evidence from the survey landscape

Presenter: Jonathan Neves and Shona Quinn

Institution: Advance HE


International students represent a crucial audience for the higher education sector, and in the light of recent challenges around the attractiveness of the UK as a destination, providing the best possible experience for those that do choose to study here is arguably more crucial than ever. Yet, how do we ensure that the diverse needs of home students are also taken into account and delivered upon?  Pulling together evidence from high profile sector surveys at undergraduate and postgraduate level, the presentation will focus on the different requirements and experiences of home and overseas students and consider the evidence around where to focus enhancement activity. 

Survey evidence will be drawn from the Student Academic Experience Survey, the Postgraduate Experience Surveys (PRES and PTES) and wider polling in the sector, and delegates will have the opportunity to discuss the extent to which the different needs of home and overseas students have impacted practice at their institution and to share examples of how institutions are responding to these challenges.