Northumbria Conference Presentation Download 2017
Venue: Northumbria University
Download Presentations Here
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Plenary 1: Opening Presentation. Professor Peter Francis, Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
Plenary 2: Embracing Change. Jim Steele.
Plenary 3: There are always options - navigating organisational complexity. Professor Steven Kyffin, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Business and Enterprise.
Plenary 4: Understanding the past; building the future. Andy Youell, Director of Data Policy & Governance, HESA.
Breakout Presentations
Breakout 1
- Can it get any better? How to use Service Design to enhance the student experience
- NSS: what, how, and when (preparing your data)
- Introduction to HESA
- Assessment Management - Mission Impossible? -Your challenge if you wish to accept it
- Postgraduate Loans - Easy or Not
- Lets Talk Motivation
- The future governance of HESA collections
Breakout 2
- Are you present?
- Considering trans
- All about HESPA
- Lets talk about Registration
- Appeals, Complaints & Conduct: Process and Records Management
- Understanding the Logical Data Model
- Student retention at Solent University - a data informed approach
Breakout 3
- HESA Data Futures, institutions perspectives
- Which Module will you Choose? Managing a Welcome Week Event
- Brexit Beyond Borders
- Top-level Trend Setter Or Big Data-Hater?
- The Teaching Excellence Framework: A Providers View
- A second attempt at a Module Creation, approval and maintenance in SITS
- Keep Calm and Carry on - ideas to build resilience
Breakout 4
- Best of times - worst of times. HEFCE data assurance in a changing world
- Sharing session - Changes to the KIS and the impact on CMA data
- SLC v HE Institutions - Who is the Saint and who is the Sinner?
- Throwing open the windows on the Student Record System
- Making admissions work for retention and transition
- Do Not Stop Believing - My Data Governance Journey