Two weeks on from SROC 2018
Two weeks on from SROC18 at the University of Hull, I hope you are returning to work inspired and invigorated by the range of topics and discussions included in the conference programme topped off by the Easter break! A huge thank you to all our plenary speakers and breakout session presenters – without you we could not offer the range of sessions.
We've put together all #sroc18 twitter activity in story form, as told by you, the delegates!
We will shortly be sending out our delegate survey – please take the time to complete this as we use your feedback to inform future conferences and events and to try to improve the delegate experience.
Our local organisers at Hull, Nikki, Becky and Gareth, did a fantastic job and I am pleased that Gareth will be staying on as a Committee member for the next year as this gives the new local organiser, Paul Norris from Cranfield University (and his team), continuity and support from a member of the most recent local conference team. Paul will also join the Committee as the local organiser for SROC19, which will be held from Wednesday 24 - Friday 26 April 2019.
As I mentioned at the conference, we have ‘lost’ a number of the Committee over the last year as a result of changes in role and, unfortunately, Sara McDonnell will also be leaving the Committee within the next few weeks as she moves on to pastures new outside the HE sector. Sara has acted as our breakout session co-ordinator this year and we send our thanks to her for all the work behind the scenes chasing up presentations and responding to queries from presenters as well as our best wishes for her new venture! We are on the look-out for new Committee members and will be sending out a request for ‘expressions of interest’ shortly. If you think you may be interested, but want to find out more, then please contact anyone on the Committee for further information.
I wish you a productive spring and summer – and watch this space for announcements about future day events.
Judith Davison
Chair of SROC