SACRAO 2016 Oklahoma City
If you attended the SROC 2015 in York earlier this year, you are therefore eligible to apply for one of the two annual bursaries offered by SROC to attend the Southern Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers Conference (SACRAO) in 2016 .
Details of what exactly is involved and how to apply are available from the links below. The bursary (a maximum of £1750) is to cover attendance at SACRAO, to be held on 7-10 February 2016, in Oklahoma City, OK. The deadline for the receipt of applications is Monday 19 October 2015; applications will be judged by the SROC Steering Committee, and successful candidates notified by Monday 2 November 2015.
I strongly encourage you to consider applying – previous recipients of the bursary have been enormously positive about their experiences and insights which they have gone on to share with colleagues at SROC (a condition of being selected!), and the Committee would as always, like to see a wide range of applications. Of course if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the SROC Chair, Judith Davison, or Secretary, Jayne Hornsby.
Good Luck!