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Universities need to get better at teaching (their professional staff)

Presenter: Chloe Ward

Institution: University of Exeter

Format: Seminar/Group Discussion

I want to start a conversation on how universities need to get better at teaching (training) their professional staff, and how they can and should use the expertise (and importantly, tools and technology!) of faculty to facilitate this. So often in professional services, all processes live in someone's head or are written on the back of a napkin - if teaching is what a university does, why don't we use those same tools to teach our teams also? For example, using Panopto recordings to document how to do an administrative process, or having a module on the VLE for Student Records - even a quiz on how to handle tricky cases. I would need to do research on this, reaching out to different universities to find out what good practice is out there and what possibilities there are - but I have a lot of anecdotal evidence of where recording these processes is historically poor, and ideas for how they could be better. I think the session could get us thinking about moving professionals into the third space and teaching university processes much more efficiently - hopefully with the group coming up with some exciting ideas about where we could move as a sector.

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